Birth & Postpartum Doula Care

Compassionate, empowering, & holistic support, tailored to your needs

Serving the Washington DC area



Hear from Keri


Why hire a postpartum doula?

Whether you’re a first-time parent, or this is your 6th child, having an extra set of hands in those initial weeks and months after birth can make all the difference. We spend so much time preparing for and focusing on the birth, that we don’t have much energy left to think about how we will manage postpartum. After the birth, our focus tends to be on the baby and your needs, the healing, exhausted, new parent, are sometimes forgotten.

Yet, the first three months postpartum are crucial for setting your family on the right track for a healthy and happy future; it’s important that you take the time to sleep, eat, and recharge so you can be the parent you want to be. As your postpartum Doula, I am trained to help make this transition to parenthood as stress-free and empowering as possible. We offer compassionate and healing postpartum support, tailored to your specific needs and circumstances.